Honest Charlie powered

Buddy Miles and his stars and stripes Harley trike

Buddy was the drummer that worked a lot with Jimi Hendrix from 1964 - 1969, and was the drummer for the "Band Of Gypsies" in 1969 and 1970 that Jimi had when he split with his management who were getting too controlling http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Miles

The Bushmaster of George Schreiber, painted by Jag Painter of Chicago

The murals took over a 1000 hours and were in the Zodiography form of art that Jag made up, based on the request of George to have a Peter Max style paintjob.
This was George's 2nd top fueler, the first was Ed Roth's Yellow Fang.

Have a look through the Ed Roth book, "Hot Rods"


Another photo of the Barris shop

Via: http://carrosantigos.wordpress.com/

Take a look at this advertising... it's damn good! Plenty more at justacargal.blogspot.com

take a look at the other 20 or so: http://justacargal.blogspot.com/

1973 Javelin AMX advertising

Ford Ranger 2010

A Ranger 2010 começa a ser vendida a partir de agosto, nas versões diesel e gasolina com cabine dupla ou simples.

Na Ranger cabine dupla o modelo de entrada o XL 4x4 diesel e o top de linha Limited 4x2 a gasolina. Além dessas duas novas opções, ela oferece as versões 4x4 diesel XLS, XLT e Limited, além das 4x2 a gasolina XL, XLS e XLT.

No design a maior mudança esta no novo desenho que a deixou mais robusta, a grade frontal tem três barras horizontais nas versões de luxo elas vem cromadas (que lembram as do novos Fusion e Edge). A motorização continua a mesma uma 2.3 a gasolina e uma 3.0 a diesel.

O lançamento chega com redução de preço, custando a partir de R$ 45.900 (R$ 3.355 a menos que a versão antiga).

Dodge; for the hard driving man... right advertising meassage, 10 years too late

1974 Ford Pinto advertising, they sure went overboard on trying to convince the reader it was as wonderful as Henry's pioneering success, the Model T

1974 Ford Mustang II Mach 1... what a waste of design and advertising

"the best news from Detroit in 9 1/2 years" really? What a gross overstatement. Obscenely ridiculous... what drugs were those advertisers doing on their lunchbreak?

Muntz ad 1974

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Video - VW Beetle and VW Golf (Rabbit) Crash Test

Video - PAN Ford SHELBY vs CAMARO (Trailer animation)

I found another Roth t-shirt ad... sweet!

Chrisman Cannon Hustler exp 1961 Chrysler digger

For more dual engine and or dual rear tire dragsters see: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2006/12/dual-engine-diggers-and-dual-rear-tire.html

Broom Hilda drag raced!

Perfect timing... the photographer had perfect timing to catch the driver looking down at the damage, and throwing his hands up in disgust

BMW anuncia esportivo ecológico

A BMW anuncia para o Salão de Frankfurt o conceito esportivo ecologicamente correto.

O novo conceito esportivo da BMW tem seu lançamento marcado para 2012, ele tem o objetivo de concorrer com o Porsche 911 e o Audi R8.

Segundo o diretor de desenvolvimento da BMW o carro ainda não tem nome definido mas, contará com diversas tecnologias para reduzir consumos e emissões de poluentes, nomeadamente a injeção direta, o sistema de travagem regenerativa e a tecnologia Stop&Start, que desliga o automaticamente o motor quando o veículo pára no meio do trânsito, para voltar a funcionar logo que o condutor pressiona o acelerador ou embreagem, dependendo dos casos.
O protótipo é baseado no M1 Hommage, o carro das fotos, protótipo comemorativo dos 30 anos do esportivo M1.

Murciélago LP640-4 roadster cromado [Vídeo]

Tem gente que não quer apenas um carro exótico, tem que ser muito exótico. O dono desta Lamborghini Murciélago LP640-4 não estava feliz em ter apenas um carro tão “comum” e mandou cromar o bicho, o resultado você pode ver no vídeo abaixo. Eu gostei acho que vou mandar fazer no meu Lamborghini também.

Video - VW Bus Crash Test

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The best ad gets it's point across in the simplest convincing way, this is the best I've read in a long while

Wow, what a photo op this was

(Nearly) weekly dose of trains

It's cool, and has wheels. That's all I need to appreciate stuff.

Zeltweg airshow 2009, Blériot XI (1908)
Via: http://pixdaus.com/

Tucker photographed leaving a Vegas convention

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