Rumor: Audi considering Q1, Q4 crossovers

Audi is contemplating how best to approach the Q4 theme. It is examining three different approaches. The first is an elegant premium two-door crossover while the second is a blatantly sporty model that features flared fenders, extended sills, and multiple drag-cutting add-ons. The third is an overt off-roader that gets a butch body kit and height-adjustable air suspension that comes as part of the Drive Select menu.

Its engine offerings are similar to those available for the Q6, says AutomobileMag. Audi estimates that this vehicle may arrive in early 2017. There are three options being studied at Ingolstadt for the Q1, the smallest Q version. The fastest course would be to place a taller, crossover body on the four-door A1 Sportback Quattro since this could start production as early as 2013. It’s also possible that Audi will work on an all-new compact crossover that will utilize the advanced modular MQB architecture that’s on the next A3. Opting for the MQB architecture will mean that we’d all have to wait until 2015. The third option is to utilize the revived Audi A2 that’s expected in 2016.

This would lead the way for “an uncommonly light, aluminum-intensive high-roof model.” Audi is believed to favor the second or third options for now. Audi's Q models are very important to Porsche, which is planning a growing lineup of high-roof activity vehicles. It’s no secret that the Cayenne and the Q7 are related. The Cajun (Cayenne junior) comes next. It uses the greenhouse and the body structure used on the current Q5 but it has its own body panels. The Cajun will start selling in 2013, and is expected to have sales of 35,000 units annually. The two-door Audi Q4 will be related to Porsche Cajun’s door-door shooting brake version. [via - 4wheelsnews]


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