Piss'd off Pete, the newest creation of Randy Grubb, Blastolene Brother / creator / designer extraordinaire!

What a nice guy! He was chatting with everyone about his designs and vehicles he's made, showing sketches and collaborations with the other Blastolene Brothers
Space was very limited to get a good side photo for a overall look, so go to: http://www.blastolene.com/pissd.html

Wow, I love the saddle bags and leather seats... what a cool touch

It is currently still ready to sell, and you should think about the fun you'd have cruising with this to Goodguys shows, your local neighborhood car shows, and Power Tour! To get an email to Randy, use RandyGrubb@blastolene.com
To look at most of the other Blastolene vehicles, see: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/search/label/Blastolene


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