1927 Franklin "Airman Series Sedan" looks great, has a terrific lamp inside

Thanks for the photos got to Angyl! Appreciate the photos and that look inside at the lamp, very cool! Not many people take photos of the interior interesting things about old cars. I like to see if there are unusual things inside, it's not often, but occasionally there are unique little things to enjoy

Fully Charged YASA motors episode 23 [video]

In this episode of Fullycharged Robert Llewellyn makes a quick visit to the YASA motor works to see their developments in electric motor design and construction.

Steampunk Vehicles Tumblr just clued me in on double front ended inspection railcars

When it was not easy to turn them around, and they knew that the car would need to return to its original location, they had to build with two engines, so it doesn't overheat from driving backwards long distance.... as the radiator needs the airflow to keep the engine cool. I just learned this from Johnny at Steampunk vehicles!

blog.1aauto.com is giving Hooniverse competition on great stories and interesting rare stuff, like this red Delorean, and 76 Road Runner

In 1982, Delorean Cadillac in Cleveland Ohio had some Delorean’s on the lot that they were having trouble selling. Rather than giving them away at a loss or sitting on them forever, they decided they might sell if they were more colorful. The problem is painting stainless. So Delorean Cadillac had PPG come up with a paint that would adhere to the stainless. They succeeded and before long, several DMC’s were painted a variety of fun colors like red, purple, and blue. http://blog.1aauto.com/2011/06/30/you-want-to-see-the-candy-apple-red-delorean/#more-6395

plus great stuff like a Bentley stuck on the beach, a GTOmino and a Mustabird!

For all of these: http://blog.1aauto.com/ is the place

Hybrid rally car banned for being too fast [video]

What has been called the “world’s greenest rally car” has been kicked out of its championship because it’s too fast. The gasoline-electric Honda Insight hybrid, which competes in Britain’s Formula 1000 rally championship, has been asked to withdraw following concerns from rival competitors that it has an unfair advantage, after dominating the 2011 series with two wins and a second place from the first three rounds.

The car, which uses a tuned gasoline-electric hybrid system to give it more power and better fuel efficiency, has been developed by the Oaktec team from Lancaster over a six-year period using the low-emission Honda car as a base. The developments of the green technology have been so successful that the eco-car, which can return 2.8 L/100 km when driven slowly, has blown away a field of conventional rally cars to gain a 19-point championship lead after just three rallies.

The championship organizers phoned the Oaktec team to request that it stand down from the series and compete the car in a higher class to appease rival competitors. The team has agreed to the demand and will now look to race in other classes.

“It was a bit of a shock when I got the call as, after six years of hard work ,we finally had our chance for a bit of glory,” says Oaktec boss Paul Andrews. “But I fully understand the perspective of the organizers and their wish not to spoil the sport for the other drivers. Formula 1000 is a great championship and they were really supportive by allowing us to compete with these new hybrid technologies in their rallies and we always agreed that if we had a clear advantage we would step aside.

“It’s a shame it had to happen mid-season, but it’s the risk you face in going against the grain and trying something radical. If it fails, no one notices; if it’s successful, you have an unfair advantage. I think our project has made people realize that there is a real future for genuinely green technologies in motorsport and other leisure activities.”

To prove the eco-credentials of the tuned Honda hybrid system, Oaktec entered the rally car in a fuel economy competition and returned 3.45 L/100 km, beating the next best car, a small diesel, by almost a litre per 100 km. It has regularly returned less than 2.8 L/100 km in testing and has ultra-low CO2 emissions, yet uses the same combination of efficient engine, batteries and electric motor to win rallies.

In addition, the car is unique in motorsport because it uses a continuously variable transmission developed by Bosch, who also sponsor the car.

OakTec Motorsport

Bmw car

Bmw car

2012 Ford Focus ST

2012 Ford Focus ST
  • 2012 Ford Focus ST

2012 Ford Focus ST, the high-performance version of Ford’s next-generation Focus, will debut at the Paris Motor Show this month.

The 2012 Ford Focus ST will go on sale in 2012, after the regular version will hit the showroom floor next year and after Europe, it will come to the U.S.

The reintroduction of a high-performance Focus in the United States is Ford’s response to hosannas from devotees of the long-departed Focus SVT.

  • 2012 Ford Focus ST Side View

The 2012 Ford Focus ST will come with a new 2.0-liter, in line four-cylinder Ford EcoBoost engine that provides 247 turbocharged horsepower. Power wise, this puts the ST on equal footing with the Renaultsport Megane 250 and higher than the 223 bhp five-cylinder car it replaces.
Huge brakes with yellow calipers sit behind five-spoke wheels, and the exhaust exits through dual center pipes. An underbody kit gives the ST a lowered appearance.

2012 Ford Focus ST Interior
  • 2012 Ford Focus ST Interior

The new Focus was developed in Germany and built on Ford’s new global C-segment platform. Ford says the platform will provide the base for at least 10 different variants

2012 Ford Focus ST Gold
  • 2012 Ford Focus ST Gold

A história do Chevrolet Opala

Em 1966 a GM lança o projeto do primeiro carro brasileiro com a marca Chevrolet, "OPALA". O nome é dado pela fusão de dois produtos da GM no exterior (Opel e Impala).

Após dois anos de expectativa, o Chevrolet Opala é finalmente apresentado ao público brasileiro, no Salão do Automóvel em 1968, precisamente aos vinte dias do mês de novembro. Ele chega em quatro versões, todos quatro portas - Opala com 4 e 6 cilindros e Opala De Luxo também 4 e 6 cilindros, todos excepcionalmente confortáveis para seis pessoas, bancos dianteiros inteiriços, câmbio de três velocidades à frente com alavanca na coluna de direção, painel com poucos instrumentos, amplo porta malas e boa dirigibilidade.

No ano de 1971 surge o Opala cupê, não possuía colunas laterais, o teto puxado para trás e perfil alongado, assim representava uma imagem mais esportiva, de carros compactos. Em seguida desapareceu a versão SS quatro portas, pois pelo aspecto esportivo era favorável sua apresentação em duas portas.

Como opção permanente era oferecido dois tipos de caixa de mudanças: Três velocidades e alavanca na direção, ou quatro velocidades e alavanca no assoalho, onde a segunda opção oferecia maior agilidade, economia de combustível e melhor desempenho, especialmente para os modelos quatro cilindros.

Foi em 1973 que toda linha Opala sofre as primeiras modificações. A que obteve maior resultado foi a da mecânica do 4 cilindros: aumentou-se o diâmetro dos cilindros e reduziu o curso dos pistões. Esse motor recebeu o nome de 151 e apesar da pequena alteração da cilindrada (2474cc), houve um considerável aumento de potência. Também foi introduzido o sistema de transmissão automática, sendo opcional para 6 cilindros, e em 1974 se estendia para os veículos 4 cilindros.

Somente em 1975, o Chevrolet Opala sofre a maior modificação no seu estilo, foram redesenhadas as partes traseiras e dianteiras. O capô recebeu um ressalto central e, para maior segurança, redondos encaixavam-se em molduras quadradas; as lanternas dianteiras foram instaladas na ponta dos pára-lamas; a grade dianteira, pintada em preto fosco, agora apresentava dois frisos horizontais. Instalados na parte traseira, quatro lanternas redondas, as duas internas funcionavam apenas como refletores e seu centro branco como luz de ré. A parte interior também sofreu modificações estilísticas.

A Família continuava a crescer: a perua Caravan chegava ao mercado em 1975. Um projeto iniciado em 1971, apresentado em uma única versão 4 cilindros, a perua Caravan, podia receber opcionais como motor 6 cilindros, transmissão automática, câmbio três ou quatro marchas, direção hidráulica ou outros, à escolha do comprador. Lançou-se simultaneamente, nas versões cupê e quatro portas, o Chevrolet Comodoro que substituiria o Gran Luxo. Intitulado como o carro de maior status da linha, normalmente vinha equipado com motor 6 cilindros de 4.100cc, 184 cv de potência e 4000rpm, carburador de duplo corpo, transmissão manual de quatro marchas (ou automática) e direção hidráulica.

A GMB lançou um carro especial: O cupê 250S, um carro com maior desempenho que satisfez os compradores de modelos esportivos. Sua maior diferença era a preparação efetuada no motor de 6 cilindros, que tinha a relação de compressão aumentada para 8,0:1, comando de válvulas trabalhado e carburação dupla. A potência passou a ser de 153 cv, superior a antiga, desse modo o Opala 250S obtinha a aceleração de 0 a 100Km/h em apenas 10s.

Surgi o Opala em versão básica em duas ou quatro portas de motor 4 cilindros, substituindo os modelos Especial e De Luxo que saia do mercado. O modelo básico estava preparado para aceitar transformações com diferentes opcionais: motor de seis cilindros ou 250S; câmbio de três ou quatro marchas, manual ou automático; e direção hidráulica entre outras modificações. Assim a partir de um modelo básico era possível obter qualquer modelo da linha, desde o antigo Especial até o modelo Comodoro.

Em 1975 os veículos foram equipados ainda com freio a disco nas rodas dianteiras, duplo circuito hidráulico, câmbio de três velocidades na coluna da direção e barra estabilizadora traseira. A mecânica era encontrada em quatro versões: Motor 151básico (4 cilindros, 2474 cc e 90cv); Motor 151 S (4 cilindros, 2474 cc e 98 cv); 250 (6 cilindros, 4098 cc e 148 cv) e 250 S (6 cilindros, 4098 cc e 153 cv).

Manteve-se a produção da linha esportiva mais simples - SS 4 cilindros com motor 151S e SS 6 cilindros com mecânica opcional do 250S, lançado em 1976 para se eternizar na mente dos apaixonados.

Em 1978, apesar de poucas mudanças na linha, a Caravan também ganhou sua versão SS.
Em 1980 é lançado o Diplomata, top de linha, que contava entre outros com direção servo-assistida e condicionador de ar, como item de série. O Diplomata conquista preferência executiva para aqueles que procuravam total conforto sobre rodas.
No ano de 1981, a linha sofre modificações interiores - volante inovado e painel mais atual. Em seguida lança-se a série Silver Star. No ano de 1983 o câmbio de 5 marchas entra no mercado.

As modificações ganham maior impacto deixando o Diplomata com aspecto mais agressivo - 1985. A estética externa do Diplomata ganha largas molduras laterais e faróis auxiliares de longo alcance. Internamente, instrumentos com novo designer e a evolução elétrica para controles dos vidros e retrovisores.

A nova frente, com faróis trapezoidais e lanternas traseiras por toda a largura do veículo é introduzido nos modelos fabricados em 1988, por dentro o volante de três raios escamoteável em sete posições e opcionais inéditos com alarme sonoro para lanternas e faróis quando ligados, controle temporizado dos faróis e luz interna, vidros elétricos com temporizador e ar condicionado com extensão para o banco traseiro (Para o Diplomata SE estes itens eram de série).

O potente motor 250S a gasolina, somente era oferecido sob encomenda e foi substituído por um modelo alemão, câmbio automático de quatro marchas e bloqueio do conversor de torque. A fabricação do fenômeno da industria automobilística é encerrada. O último Opala é fabricado, no dia 16 de abril de 1992, saindo de linha a mais poderosa produção de conforto, durabilidade e potência, motivo evidente que deixa até hoje milhares de admiradores, que mesmo após 13 anos o consideram "O Imbatível".

Texto: Sérgio Luiz - Presidente do Opala Clube de São José dos Campos


Drift com uma BMW M1 em cima de um prédio

A proeza foi realizada em Los Angeles no heliporto de um prédio:

1922 B2 Petit Train

found on http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=428585&page=1118

Stuff to recognize regarding an Airport Car Rental France

If you are looking for a rental car at the airport, it can, of course, ideal for carrying in a hotel or accommodation when you arrive, and then run to the airport to fly home. Airport car rental in France, particularly in high value, even if you're not going to lead the rest of your stay. Meeting at the airport is much better price than the hand at the beginning and end of your journey.

And the airport rental car lot easier if you have morning flight and luggage transportation.

You can rent a car while riding as easy or as hard as you want. For travelers, the uncertainty of life on the edge of love, or who may forget to have fun, then join, the sight of rental car at the airport to bring tremendous relief.

As always, go with any questions, Rent a Car Airport cheaper and cheaper, sooner if the event in advance. There is nothing like peace of mind that knowing what your product is before you even come to seek and to save the plane. It may be possible to get a good deal just before the peak travel season unfolds.

But not too high expectations with regard to cases such as Christmas or Thanksgiving. The presence of vehicles is never guaranteed during this period is up to you to contact your rental car at the airport until November.

For most travelers, who drive safer cars at the airport after the old car? This is a good reason for these organizations are the market leader when it comes to service and prices. The choice of cars available is wider than smaller cars. Owner to make it less attractive to travelers by offering lower prices. However, vehicles are the norm, or the terms of service may be hidden costs that make the final height of the balloon are amazing.

If you have time, so what better way to go about finding the airport car rental price and service to compare all the ratings for your car at the airport. They can easily be done online, and save his legs to run, ask at different points. On the other hand, in fact, some hotels have to offer tie-friendly package with rental companies, covering accommodation and transport you.

You get the advantage of choosing the largest number of vehicles available from small cars to large commercial people, including media, manual or automatic gearbox. All vehicles are kept in excellent condition. Airport car rental booking is very simple and straightforward. All you need is a license and a valid driver's passport as proof of identity and age. It’s just choosing your car. The sooner you book the better deal. You can also use child seats or child when you are traveling with small children or you can use satellite navigation systems, CD player, roof rack, and insurance to the driver.

The 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Has Arrived

The Honda Civic Hybrid is a hybrid powertrain version of the Honda Civic, first introduced in Japan near the end of 2001. It comes with either a continuously variable automatic transmission or (until 2005) a 5-speed manual transmission. It uses an Integrated Motor Assist hybrid system similar to Honda Insight. The Civic Hybrid is only available as sedan, even in Europe until 2012, where it is replaced by its hatchback version.

The Civic hybrid was introduced to the U.S. in spring 2002 as a 2003 model, based on the seventh generation Civic. As with the conventional Civic, it received a styling update for 2004. It is the first hybrid vehicle to be certified as an Advanced Technology Partial Zero- Emissions Vehicle (AT-PZEV) from California's Air Resources Board. The second generation Civic Hybrid is based on the eighth generation Civic, with some styling differences between the U.S. market and Japanese market models. The Civic hybrid ranks as the second best selling electric hybrid car in the U.S. As of the end of January 2009, the total global sales of all Civic hybrid exceeded 255,000.

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid
 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid

Honda produces an exciting new vehicle into the collection, the brand new 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid. Honda has utilized the most up-to-date version of Integrated Motor Assist hybrid drive train into the car. In America, the 2012 hybrid civic has greater EPA-estimated gas mileage compare to any kind of sedan. The gas mileage for highway, city, as well as combined is 44 miles per gallon.

The styling of its front lights, front grill, taillights, rims, and also mirrors have been completely improved to give a much better sleek look to the car. The seats are layered with either leather or cloth and navigation system can be integrated into the Civic Hybrid.

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Side View

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Back View


The Honda Civic utilizes 1.5 liter V-TEC 4-cylinder engine in 2012 model and even comes with friction reducing systems as a way to have a better performance. The electric motor is lighter and capable of delivering up to 23 hp and 110 hp when used in combination. When accelerating, either the electric and the motor or just the engine to give power to the vehicle. Moreover, either engine can propel the car while cruising. When the driver hit the brakes, the gasoline engine will stop functioning and be replaced instead by electric engine which also behaves as a generator to produce power to the battery. And the moment the driver starts to speed up, the gasoline engine will be activated to deliver additional power.

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Interior

 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Interior

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Interior

Basic version and optional features are offered to add a lot more top quality look to the interior of Civic Hybrid. In the driver's line of sight, the interior has the most frequently referenced info. Information such as album artwork or personal wallpaper backgrounds are displayed by the new Intelligent Multi Information Display on the upper tier And also, the driver is able to collect suggestions on how the driver drives and how it affects fuel consumption by the assist of Eco Guide screen on the upper tier. In an effort to help increase driver's awareness for fuel efficient driving, the speedometer is loaded with blue/green Eco Assist indicators. For head unit, the standard of Civic Hybrid is built with 160 watt AM/FM/CD with 6 speakers. XM Radio will be available when you include the navigation system. This is not just a regular navigation system, but 6.5 inch touchscreen, voice recognition enabled which is linked to Honda's own sat nav system. For a better response time, the navigation system is made with 16 GB flash memory and also includes FM traffic. For additional safety, the driver will be able to receive calls without any difficulty as a result of bluetooth Hands FreeLink function. Besides that, in case you have compatible devices, it even supports video streaming.

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Logo
2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Logo

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Logo
2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Logo

In choosing a vehicle, safety must come first. This is exactly why The Civic Hybrid includes a pile of safety features such as motion adaptive EPS system, brake assist, ABS with electronic brake distribution, side curtain airbags, front side airbags, and also dual stage, multiple threshold front airbags.

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Blue

Concept Cars Collection (7)

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Ford Kuga 2011

2011 Ford Kuga SUV
 2011 Ford Kuga

The Ford Kuga is a compact crossover SUV designed and produced by Ford. The car is based on the C1 platform that also form the underpinnings of the Ford Focus and Ford C-MAX. Both front-wheel drive and four-wheel drive are offered, each with a choice of 2.5-litre petrol or 2.0-litre diesel engine.

2011 Ford Kuga Black
2011 Ford Kuga Black

2011 Ford Kuga White
2011 Ford Kuga White

2011 Ford Kuga White Picture

The Kuga went on sale in the first half of 2008, and is built at Ford's plant in Saarlouis, Germany. In the UK, emphasising the car's premium market aspirations, only high-end Zetec and Titanium specifications are offered. It is similarly priced to the other small SUVs in the market such as the Citroen C-Crosser/Peugeot 4007 and the Vauxhall/Opel Antara, and is on sale in the UK with a starting price of around £20,500. The combined fuel consumption is 44.1 mpg-imp (6.41 L/100 km; 36.7 mpg-US) and the CO2 emissions is 169 g/km.

2010 Ford Kuga_Engine

     - 2.5 L Duratec turbo I5, 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp)

     - 2.0 L Duratorq, 136 PS (100 kW; 134 hp)
     - 2.0 L Duratorq, 163 PS (120 kW; 161 hp) 4 x 4 and powershift models.

2011 Ford Kuga USA
On July 20, 2007, a report indicated that Ford executives were considering the prospects of sales in North America. This idea was later scrapped after it was determined the car could not be sold both competitively priced and at a profit in the US due to the current dollar-Euro exchange rate. On July 24, 2008, WDIV-TV had announced that Ford is re-considering bringing the Kuga to North America after all. On October 22, 2009, news leaked that Ford will build the Kuga at its Louisville plant, possibly as the 2012 Ford Escape.

2011 Ford Kuga USA
On June 23, 2010, it was announced that Ford will end production on the second generation Escape in 2011 in anticipation to the Kuga's North American launch as the next-generation Escape. The Ford Kuga is now also available in Argentina since 2010.

2011 Ford Kuga Interior
2011 Ford Kuga Interior

2011 Ford Kuga Logo

2011 Ford Kuga Sport

2011 Ford Kuga Logo

A facelift will be released in late 2010.

That redesigned Kuga will form the basis for the 2013 Ford Escape sold in the U.S. Both vehicles will likely offer a hybrid option, as Ford announced in May 2010 that it would build unspecified hybrids at a plant in Valencia, Spain. If built, the Kuga Hybrid would be Ford's first hybrid to be sold in Europe, though it has sold over 100,000 Escape Hybrids and Mercury Mariner Hybrids in the U.S. since 2004.

2011 Ford Kuga Coupe
2011 Ford Kuga Coupe

2011 Ford Kuga
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